THE NEW RUBINOCREATIVE.COM: More Of Everything — Twice The Fun
WELCOME TO THE NEW RUBINO CREATIVE WEBSITE. I'm Rubino and I'm creative. Have a look around. Let me know if you need anything. Notice how everything is shiny and new... not even a scratch. So if you break it you buy it. Yes, everything is for sale. Everything but that. Please put that down. Is this your dog? Cus it would be super if that dog wasn't here. Yes, that's the price. No it's not a mistake. I do know how to get to the New Jersey Turnpike, but I'm with a customer right now. Oops, this line is for 12 items or fewer sooooo... yyyyeah, you're gonna need to use that line over there. The return policy is if you want to return it you can't because there is no return policy. Yes, it's ALL so amazingly sustainable. It's made out of Kale. The footprint is so small its like the footprint of someone with really small feet. Oh yes, it's all handmade by the foreign children I keep in the attic. Of course I'm kidding, They're in the basement. The restrooms are for customers only and shoplifters will be killed and eaten.